Zohoor Alreef Coupon Code | up to 20% off on any product
Zohoor Alreef Coupon Code | up to 20% off on any product available via the website
The best shopping experience from Zohoor Alreef coupon code and promo codes can help you get the widest range of discounts and promotions, so as to bring you more when wandering and shopping in Zohoor Alreef store and other exquisite products (such as fragrance and perfume that always come out) More funny and blessing shopping. You can save more and more through their quality among customers and shopping enthusiasts.
About store
Zohoor Alreef is one of the leading companies in the manufacture of perfume oils with the highest quality. It was established in 1991 when brothers Walid and Faisal Al-Khalidi began mixing natural ingredients to display the most luxurious perfumes in their homes, and in the Khobar region of Saudi Arabia, there is a demand for unique oils and perfumes. Within a year, the brothers opened their first store near their home in Khobar, and in 1993 they opened stores in Hofuf, Jeddah, and Riyadh.
The store has globally expanded at the beginning of the new century, Zohoor Alreef has 20 branches in different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and by 2001 the demand for products had reached its peak. This prompted the company to partially own a factory in the Burgundy region to ensure that a variety of flavors derived from French natural ingredients were produced in France. Less
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Zohoor Alreef Coupon Code | up to 20% off on any product available via the website
The best shopping experience from Zohoor Alreef coupon code and promo codes can help you get the widest range of discounts and promotions, so as to bring you more when wandering and shopping in Zohoor Alreef store and other exquisite products (such as fragrance and perfume that always come out) More funny and blessing shopping. You can save more and more through their quality among customers and shopping enthusiasts.
About store
Zohoor Alreef is one of the leading companies in the manufacture of perfume oils with the highest quality. It was established in 1991 when brothers Walid and Faisal Al-Khalidi began mixing natural ingredients to display the most luxurious perfumes in their homes, and in the Khobar region of Saudi Arabia, there is a demand for unique oils and perfumes. Within a year, the brothers opened their first store near their home in Khobar, and in 1993 they opened stores in Hofuf, Jeddah, and Riyadh.
The store has globally expanded at the beginning of the new century, Zohoor Alreef has 20 branches in different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and by 2001 the demand for products had reached its peak. This prompted the company to partially own a factory in the Burgundy region to ensure that a variety of flavors derived from French natural ingredients were produced in France.
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Submitted: 3 years ago
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